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Sustainability in action

Our sustainability agenda is at the heart of our business. We have a strong programme of initiatives and we share progress and best practice with our stakeholders inside and outside the business.

Our Environment Policy is available here.

Industry firsts

In June 2009, Kingsmill became the first - and only - bread brand to be allowed to carry the Carbon Trust's Carbon Reduction Label on our packaging in recognition of our proven commitment to delivering an ongoing reduction in our carbon footprint. In 2022 we moved on from the Carbon Trust’s Carbon Reduction Label to focus our energy and resources on strategic carbon reduction initiatives including working to address our scope 3 emissions.

Another industry first was the introduction in August 2021 of a pilot trial of bread bags containing 30% recycled plastic (mass balanced) on Kingsmill No Crusts 50/50. This was technically very challenging as the process for creating food safe packaging from recycled materials requires advanced processes and currently there is only a limited amount of this material that can be produced. The trial was extended in 2023 to include Kingsmill No Crusts Tasty Wholemeal. We hope this will be the start of a process through which all our packaging can be made from recycled material.

Environmental commitment

Food Waste
Back in 2016, Kingsmill was proud to become the first national baker to work with FareShare. Since then, we've donated millions of meals to their UK food redistribution network and have regularly increased seasonal donations to support their school holiday programmes.

We also support the Love Food Hate Waste campaign which aims to educate consumers about how to reduce food waste in homes.

We're signed up to the UK Plastics Pact which is a voluntary initiative working to transform how we make, use, collect, sort, reuse and recycle plastics to create a circular economy, capturing the value of plastic, keeping it in the economy and out of the natural environment.

On The Road to Slicing Emissions

Having measured the greenhouse gases emitted throughout the supply chain - from growing wheat, through baking bread, delivery to the retailer and use in the consumer's home for our three biggest selling varieties of Kingsmill bread - we are working to continually reduce emissions.

Over the years, we've invested in 'teardrop' trucks that reduce carbon and other engine exhaust emission levels through their streamlined body shape, which gives optimum aerodynamic efficiency. We also have initiatives to influence driver behaviour, such as automatic engine cut-off when idling. . In our bakeries we have transitioned to LED lighting and are working to optimise our plant and equipment so we are steadily reducing our GHG emissions.